Time travel to the future... In my personal opinion think about the future is overvalued, because that kind of things only bring anxiety, worry and uncertainty. Think about the things that we want to live will bring disappoint when this won't happen, but anyway, if I could travel to the future I would travel to Norway, because Norway was choose as the best country in the world and I want to see her progress. I would like travel in a time where I can appreciate the improve of the humanity, I would like to know if we could be more united between us, if we could eliminate disease which cause a lot of dead every year like cancer for example and in general If we could be better than the present, eradicate the wars, eradicate the hunger, eradicate the disease, eradicate the corruption, eradicate the death or extend the life. I wouldn't like to stay there, because, I want to live my present, I don't care if the future is a better place to live or we would live more comfortably than the present, I just want to know if the things that we do now, I mean in the present, would have a positive consequence in the future and the good things that we do like recycle, reduce some source of energy and take care of the environment isn't in vain

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