Post 3: My Dream Job

 My dream job can be defined in one word... Investigation. I am very sure of this decision, also for this I decided to study Biochemistry and study in this University, because this University is focus in investigation in compared the others. All my life I wanted the same, when I watched movies or series I loved when Scientifics or a Laboratory appear, I felt very excited and I used to say that I want that kind of things in my life. The investigation in Biochemistry have different specialisation for example I can specialise in Clinic like innovate in new treatment for different illness or investigation in Biology like Molecular Biology, Genetics, etc. Personally I am interested in a specific kind of investigation... Oncology investigation, I am motivated in this because my mom had cáncer when I was a child and since then I decided to find a cure for this disease which every year take a lot of life. I imagine this job like a big responsibility, every day would be a new challenge, first I would think in a problem, second I would imagine a possible way to solve this, third I would try this idea and see if can solve the problem by way of experiment and finally I would try to aplicate the resolution. I would need different skills, to say something, I would need ingenuity, a lot of knowledge, a perfect way to make the experiment, etc. Finally talking about the salary I think that if I choose this job, I won't have a good salary, but I don't care about this I will do this job for vocation and I will find other way to have a good salary.


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